
    Today was a pretty good day for dad, but not so good for my mother and me.  My dad is off of the bipap and on nasal cannula (10 liters/min).  He seemed to be rather aware this morning and we were able to Facetime him.  My father was a bit of an athlete jogging 4 miles a day with his friends between 1978 until 2005.  Those friends are still together.  Two of them have died.  My father's lungs and heart are very strong so I am hoping that they will help him pull through.

    I had a fever of 101 last night.  It was difficult, but I was able to pack my things and drive to my parents cabin.  Many of my friends (including two high school friends) have offered their help.  I wanted to go back to my house because I would then be separated from my mother, have access to all my bills and equipment, and I would be near my main support network.  But, my son, who has lung problems was in my house.  My ex-wife and my daughter volunteered to drive 9 hours to my house to pick up my son.  

   My mother and I took the coronavirus test on Monday and we still don't have results today (Thursday).  After I managed to get to the cabin, I slept for a few hours.  I felt hot when I woke up, so I checked my temperature --- 105.7.   That seemed unbelievable, so I took it again and got 101.0.  I have been very lethargic all day.  I say to myself, "I'm going to get a drink, walk to the car, get out the oatmeal, and walk back."  It was difficult to do.  I am breathing rather hard afterward.  Mostly I just lay in bed feeling not so great physically.  Mentally, I don't think about much.  It's almost a fairly pleasant Zen mental state.  Mostly I sleep.  Surprisingly, I am able to sit in a chair and write. 

   I got the worst news at 8 PM today.  My mother has a temperature of 99 and her O2 saturation is 94%.  Normally, she does not run a temperature and her O2 saturation is 97%.  I think that she has the virus.  We were not careful enough about separating my mother, my father, and I.  We should have just sent her up to the cabin, but we did not think of that.  


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