Waking up in a puddle of urine

    Last night, I woke up feeling feverish and weak.  I tried to go to the bathroom.  I don't have any recollection of what happened next.  I woke up on the floor in a puddle of my own pee.  It took me five minutes to realize that it was pee.  I felt less feverish, but nauseated.  After dry heaving for a few minutes, I managed to crawl to my phone in the living room.

Lesson learned: leave your phone on your nightstand if you are feeling ill.

I called the neighbors who called 911 for me.  The stars were beautiful as they wheeled me into the ambulance. I dry heaved a lot on the way to the hospital.  

At the hospital, I felt a lot better after getting rehydrated an IV drip.  I'm still at the hospital now.  

Good news:  my covid PCR test from Monday came back negative.


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