Some Progress

Dad is stable and talking.  He is a bit frustrated that his situation has not been improving recently.  He speaks Norwegian when I talk to him, but seems to understand my English responses.

My situation at the hospital has been improving.  For most of the last 6 days, I have needed 5 liters per minute of oxygen.  On Saturday, that requirement varied between 2 and 4 liters per minute.  I even had 30 minute periods without oxygen, but when I walked, I needed 8 liters per minute.  On Sunday, my pattern was similar needing 3 liters/min when sitting and 6 to 8 liters while standing.  At 3 liters per minute, I get light headed in one minute if I stand.

One of the periods without oxygen was accidental.  During my sleep, the oxygen became disconnected from the wall.  Such accidental disconnections happened to my son when he had his childhood lung problems.  In my case, there was no continuous oxygen monitoring, so the nursed was not alerted — a bit scary.

TLDR:  Dad is stable.  I have impoved. 


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